Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Ready and Successful Students

Increase borrowing of library items (in millions) by 10% by 2025


FY23 Actual

FY22 Actual

Objective Description

As an educational institution, The Howard County Library System designs and develops a lifetime of learning opportunities for all ages (from birth through seniors) and backgrounds. The Library's collection spans formats (e.g., print, online), languages, reading levels, interests, and research needs.

Trend Analysis

While Howard County historically led the state in per capita borrowing, that is no longer the case due to publisher increases and customer demand outpacing funding increases. During the last two years, usage of online resources dramatically increased. We will maintain our goal to increase overall borrowing by 10 percent.


  • Pilot innovation collections.
  • Increase access to STE(A)M materials for self-directed and collaborative learning experiences.
  • Create spaces specifically designed to enhance self-directed learning for children (from birth to 5) and their caregivers.
  • Increase partnerships with the arts and business communities for enhanced instructional opportunities.
  • Develop and implement community engagement strategy to reach new and under-sserved members of the community who may experience barriers to access.
  • Complete capital projects as outlined in updated Facilities Assessment and Master Plan.

Source: Howard County Library System

Target = 9.02

Detailed Analysis

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