Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Clean and Sustainable Environment

Reduce facility electricity use (kWh in millions) by 25% by 2025


CY22 Actual

CY21 Actual

Objective Description

By 2025, Howard County will reduce electricity use of County government operations by 25%. Electricity use represents the majority of the County’s greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing electricity use can come from increasing the energy efficiency of the lighting and equipment used and conserving electricity by turning off equipment when not in use, adjusting building temperatures, and similar measures. In 2019, Howard County achieved designation as a Maryland Smart Energy Community by the Maryland Energy Administration in recognition of the County’s goals, policies, and progress in saving energy and using renewables.

Trend Analysis

Although total electricity use by Howard County facilities has remained relatively steady since 2019, this is against a background of population growth and expanding government operations. Water and wastewater distribution and treatment, in particular, have had to accommodate greater use due to a growing number of residents - both consume electricity. Furthermore, Howard County is striving to electrify its buildings, thus adding electricity usage to its facilities due to fuel switching. When looking at energy use across electricity, natural gas, and heating oil.


Source: Office of Sustainability

Detailed Analysis

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