Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Clean and Sustainable Environment

Convert all County-owned streetlights to LED by 2025


FY22 Actual

FY21 Actual

Objective Description

By 2025, Howard County will convert all streetlights to energy-efficient, long-lasting LED lighting. Converting streetlights to LED allows the County to reduce energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save money on electricity and monthly maintenance fees charged by BGE. LED lights are more energy-efficient and require much less maintenance than sodium vapor, mercury vapor, and metal halide lights. Replacing the lights can be expensive because costs include new fixtures, new lights, and labor. Annual savings can cover initial capital costs over time. Over 20 years, this conversion is expected to generate cost savings of at least $2.5 million and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 3.045 metric tons, the equivalent of planting 50,000 trees.

Trend Analysis

As of FY 2022, Howard County has converted 100% of County-owned streetlights to LEDs - several years earlier than anticipated. This has reduced energy consumption by County streetlights by 43%, or approximately 3 million kWh per year, resulting in annual cost savings of approximately $150,000 and a reduction of approximately 955 metric tons of CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions per year.


  • Identify funds in the County’s budget to cover initial investment, with annual savings in electricity and maintenance costs to pay back the investment over time.
  • Determine best contracting vehicle for new lighting purchase and installation and initiate contractor selection process
  • Purchase and install new LED light fixtures.

Source: Baltimore Gas & Electric

Detailed Analysis

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