Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Thriving and Healthy Residents

Maintain percentage of clients exiting rehousing programs to permanent housing to 60% through 2025


FY23 Actual

FY22 Actual

Objective Description

Homeless households that come to the attention of the Coordinated Entry System are moved into permanent housing with the support of case management services. The Coordinated Entry System works to rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness via assistance with housing location, financial assistance, and case management. Those that do no move into permanent housing upon exiting the system primarily enter an emergency shelter or find temporary housing with a relative or friend. Howard County operates under the philosophy of Housing First, with an attempt to get people who have experienced homelessness back into permanent housing as rapidly as possible.

Trend Analysis

Last year the end of the Rent Moraturium in 2022 combined with decreased housing stock and increased rental costs made locating permanent housing units more difficult. This continues to impact housing efforts as rental costs have continued to rise rapidly. Additionally, staffing shortages among Case Managers at partner agencies negatively impacted the number of people who could be served in programs.


  • Make accessing assistance as seamless as possible through the use of a single point of entry to the Coordinated Entry System.
  • Avoid homelessness when at all possible, through diversion and prevention activities.
  • Rehouse literally homeless households as quickly as possible through housing searches, financial assistance, and case management for housing stabilization.

Source: Howard County Continuum of Care

Target = 75

Detailed Analysis

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