Reduce the rate of serious injuries by 20% to 2.35 per 100 million vehicle miles traveled by 2025
Objective Description
Trend Analysis
Serious injury and fatality trends continue to be mixed as rates in the county continue to fluctuate, though the rate is still significantly lower as compared to the 2022 statewide fatality rate of 0.99 and the national rate of 1.35 per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled (MVMT). The baseline is the 2013-2017 five-year average. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated safer-at-home orders, an increase in fatalities and fatality rate were seen in 2020 and 2021. Since that time, crash data through 2022 have been released by MHSO and those values are included here however, the goals and targets will not be re-calculated every year.
- Conduct data analyses to identify locations for speed enforcement and traffic calming (road diets, speed limit reduction, etc).
- Conduct aggressive/speed enforcement in conjunction with statewide and national campaigns, as well as in school zones and communities
- Compile planned infrastructure safety projects and review prioritization based on data analyses.
- Conduct occupant protection enforcement in conjunction with statewide and national campaigns.
- Implement the Howard County Strategic Road Safety Plan.
Source: Office of Transportation