Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Strong and Prosperous Businesses

Outperform the statewide job-growth rate


FY23 Actual

FY22 Actual

Objective Description

Howard County seeks to exceed the average job-growth of the state. The State of Maryland sets a high benchmark for job-growth and economic prosperity. Recognizing that macroeconomic forces can effect job growth on a national scale, Howard County will consistently work to draw and retain jobs in any market climate to exceed our peers. Continued growth in the job base provides economic opportunities and stability to both existing and prospective residents. The measure is the difference between the Howard County job-growth rate and the Maryland state job-growth rate.

Trend Analysis

A number of key industry sectors were negatively impacted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in a decline in total employment in county businesses. However, county residents experienced a much lower impact on unemployment rates at +2.7%, compared to the rest of Maryland as a whole at +3.3%. This is a result of the county's comparatively high concentration of highly-skilled workforce, meaning less exposure to highly impacted sectors. COVID-19 also interrupted several development projects near the end of FY20 and throughout FY21. Uncertainty in the future of the COVID-19 pandemic makes future growth activity uncertain.


  • Promote in-county business expansion opportunities and successes.
  • Conduct a variety of projects and services to attract new businesses.
  • Actively outreach to existing businesses to ensure their continued success in the county.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Detailed Analysis

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