Increase percent of Pedestrian Master Plan Sidewalk projects to 24% by 2025
Objective Description
Trend Analysis
Pedestrian access and connection projects are typically built as part of the larger street or intersection projects, specific sidewalk projects, or as part of private development projects. Factors affecting the pace of project completion are funding, workload, community approval policies, securing rights of way, development and zoning regulations, and the strength of the development market. Some of these factors are mostly controlled by County Government and some are not. Moving forward, the County CIP currently has funding to complete approximately 1-2 structured projects per year. The County will look for additional opportunities to add projects through private sector development as it reviews development proposals and through grant applications.
- Adopt WalkHoward.
- Continue to incorporate pedestrian master plan sidewalk recommendations into review comments on development applications.
- Pursue implementation of sidewalk capital projects.