Increase the number of accessible bus stops by 50% by 2025
Objective Description
Trend Analysis
During the development of the pedestrian master plan, WalkHoward, all bus stops in the RTA service were surveyed and evaluated for a variety of attributes, including access to the sidewalk. Improvements to bus stops are delivered as part of larger street or intersection projects, specific sidewalk projects or as part of a private development project. Ensuring bus stops have sidewalk access and other amenities is a key strategy in enhancing the customer experience and improving ridership. The number of stops with sidewalk access is expected to increase as projects are completed, but at a slower pace based on both CIP funding and as the overall number of bus stops that already have sidewalk access continues to increase and project complexity increases.
- Adopt WalkHoward.
- Review ridership counts at bus stop locations to make appropriate improvements.
- Pursue pedestrian and public transit improvements on development applications.
- Continue to advance pedestrian and public transit improvements as part of the Capital Improvement Plan.
Source: Office of Transportation