Increase the number of MAP contacts with older adults and caregivers by 10% by 2025
Objective Description
Trend Analysis
FY20 data represents Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) which is the programs reporting requirements. The closures related to COVID impacted half of the reporting period. While MAP was impacted minimally directly (i.e., the County was able to set up remote telephone access, hence total volume was down only 7%), the numbers indicate that the topics of interest to the public changed markedly. The biggest growths were in general information (up 136%), nutrition/food (up 270%) and in-home care (up 40%). In contrast, the topics that showed a decline included: caregiver supports (down 60%), income supports (down 54%), housing (down 32%), and transportation (down 23%).
- Expand outreach and public information about the program.
- Coordinate with the Office of Children and Families in outreach efforts to reach the Latino population.
Source: The Office of Aging and Independence