Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Thriving and Healthy Residents

Increase number of available affordable housing units that are sold to income eligible households by 70% by 2025


FY23 Actual

FY22 Actual

Objective Description

With the County’s prime geographical location between Washington D.C and Baltimore, its renowned schools and overall prosperity comes the constant demand for housing. This has led to a growing imbalance between household incomes and housing costs, especially among those households that have moderate to low incomes. The Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) Ownership Program along with the related Settlement Downpayment Loan Program (SDLP) are two initiatives that were implemented to help address the growing housing affordability needs. The MIHU Ownership program requires that developers of new housing in targeted zoning areas sell a portion of their units at a reduced price, as calculated per County code, to households of moderate income. Because approximately half of the homebuyers in the MIHU program are also in need of settlement downpayment assistance, the SDLP program has become a vital component to the success of the MIHU Program. Combined, these two programs help address a portion of the County’s housing affordability issue.

Trend Analysis

There is an expectation that going forward the number of MIHU units will continue to grow but not at the rate originally anticipated. Anticipated growth between the years 2024 and 2029 is expected to be 250 units due to the effects of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) which can limit the number of units that can be developed in accordance with the availability of adequate infrastructure such as roads and schools. The implementation of APFO will affect the production of new units at least through 2025.


  • Aggressively market the MIHU throughout the community and with employers.
  • Continue providing financial education classes to qualify residents for the MIHU Program.
  • Howard County, with input from a diverse group of community members is currently requesting proposals to develop a Housing Opportunities MasterPlan with an overarching goal of identifying the County’s affordability issues and needs along with strategies to address them.

Source: Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development

Target = 520

Detailed Analysis

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