Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Safe and Engaged Communities

Respond to Priority 1 calls within 8 mins 14 secs 80% of the time


CY23 Actual

CY22 Actual

Objective Description

The average total response time includes time to answer, gather essential details, process, dispatch and safely travel to an emergency scene. Priority 1 emergency calls warrant officers responding with lights and sirens when the immediate presence of police is essential to save life, prevent serious injury, or to identify and detain a criminal suspect. This includes all “In-Progress” calls, such as shootings; domestic incidents; violent/sexual assaults; breaking and entering; bank robberies; carjacking; suicide attempts; or any major catastrophes. In these situations, officers are dispatched immediately, even while dispatchers work to gather additional details.

Trend Analysis

In 2018, the Department adopted the goal of responding to at least 80 percent of its Priority 1 calls in less than 8 minutes and 14 seconds. There are a variety of factors that affect the response time for calls for service, including complexity of the call, number of competing calls, traffic, weather, and size of the patrol area. The best tool to ensure swift response times is to have properly staffed patrol districts and Communications Center. The Department has made staffing a top priority to ensure services for the citizens of the County are delivered. It is anticipated that calls for service will increase in 2023 as the County returns to normalcy following the Covid-19 pandemic. To meet this challenge the Department will continue to monitor response times and review personnel allocation to ensure the demand for calls for service is met.


  • Implemented new patrol beat configurations recommended following the 2018 external and internal comprehensive study.
  • Closely monitor the impact of beat reconfiguration on response times in 2019 and adjust resources and beat areas as needed through the HCPD Beat Realignment Committee.
  • Add additional patrol officers each year to keep up with population growth and catch up to the national average of 2.4 officers per 1,000 population.
  • Closely monitor and address vacancies in an effort to minimize patrol staffing deficiencies.
  • Continue to provide the highest training to all Police Department employees in regards to call taking, processing, and police response.
  • Equip all personnel with the latest technology to maximize performance and safe response.
  • Closely monitor and address vacancies and staffing levels as appropriate to workload within the 911 Communications Center.

Source: Howard County Police Department

Detailed Analysis

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