Increase diversity of school educators
Objective Description
Trend Analysis
The Class of 2021 achieved a graduation rate of 94.05%, which exceeds the Maryland average of 87.2 percent and the highest rate since 2011. The 2021 graduation rate is a 1.26 percentage point increase from the Class of 2019. While all groups saw increases in graduation rates this year, the largest increase came from students with Limited English Proficiency increasing by 18.98 percentage points from 47.22% for the Class of 2019 to 66.21% for the Class of 2021. Unavailable data will appear as blank.
- Attendance: identifying students whose attendance may predict a later inclination to not complete high school and implementing a multi-tiered system of supports.
- Achievement: implementing early warning and progress monitoring systems in order to develop individualized academic plans and provide appropriate interventions.
- Acceptance: implementing system-wide initiatives aimed at building relationships through a restorative culture, providing opportunities for student voice, and providing connections to arts, sports, and careers.
- Access: expanding evening school options, creating clearer GED pathways with HCC, developing innovative pathway options, and developing community based supports.
Source: Howard County Public School System