Data Analytics and Statistics Hub

Strong and Prosperous Businesses

Exceed federal performance standards, for dislocated workers entering employment (employment rate) and retaining employment two quarters after leaving the program


FY23 Actual

FY22 Actual

Objective Description

Howard County provides a variety of employment and training services and resources for unemployed and underemployed individuals (Adults and Dislocated Workers) to assist them in obtaining employment and filling labor market demand through the Office of Workforce Development. The office works with those who are returning to the workforce, seeking a high school diploma, looking for a career change or those who have been laid off. Customers are helped by repackaging their experience, identifying needs for additional training, and improving their job search process. This contributes to the vibrant economy of the region and allows us to connect business and talent in all professions. To sustain federal funding, the individuals who work with our programs need to obtain and maintain employment two quarters after leaving our program. Performance for this objective is calculated for the Mid-Maryland Workforce Development Area, which includes Howard and Carroll counties.

Trend Analysis

As of October 2023, Howard County boasts a historically low unemployment rate, reaching 1.8%, the lowest since 1999. While a robust economy typically fosters employment opportunities, it may concurrently present challenges for individuals entering the workforce. To address these challenges, we are implementing alternative methods for talent development and retention. One notable initiative involves the creation of apprenticeship opportunities. Additionally, our "Work on Wheels" (WoW) initiative, a mobile program, brings job resources directly to the community. To further support these efforts, we have hired an individual dedicated to expanding apprenticeships in Howard County. The county's commitment to apprenticeships has gained recognition within the state, showcasing our dedication to workforce development. In navigating the dynamics of a strong economy, our multifaceted approach aims to facilitate workforce entry, addressing individual needs while contributing to the sustained economic vitality of Howard County.


  • Enhance social media presence.
  • Maintain and develop strong community partnerships with businesses within both Howard and Carroll counties.
  • Continue to provide excellent customer service and outreach efforts to adults and dislocated workers.
  • Stay abreast of labor market trends and provide workforce solutions for potential talent to support local and regional labor market needs

Source: Maryland Department of Labor, Office of Workforce Information and Performance (OWIP)

Detailed Analysis

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